Monday, February 15, 2010

Longest Period of my life!

So...about that this has been the longest period of my life! Apparently after 17 egg follicles you bleed clots forever! Gross, I know, but my blog, my words. lol 10 days until test results. I'm excited to either rule things out or find out what is the issue. But you know what the best part of last week and the next 2 weeks is....Lots of unplanned sex with my husband! No timing requirements, no "Hey, we need to have a quickie this morning so we can have just the perfect amount of days of abstinence so your sperm will be right." We can final romp in the sack when EVER!!!!!!! planning a mid afternoon yank for the sperm cup and coming and going from work for it. We can relax and enjoy being just 2 regular people for at least a couple weeks. Nice.

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